
How Virtual Assistants Can Assist Those with Hearing Loss

In Hearing Aid Technology, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss Treatment by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

Technology continues to advance at a rapid rate. This is good news for those of us who rely on hearing aids and other assistive listening devices. We can expect amazing advancements which make it easier and more seamless to hear clearly the sounds we would be missing without. New hearing aids don’t only help you hear more and more clearly but also increase connectivity to the technological world around us. For instance, many hearing aids come with Bluetooth technology which wirelessly connects you to Smartphones, stereos, televisions and virtual assistants.

What is a Virtual Assistant?

No matter what operating system you use these days, it is most likely compatible with a virtual assistant. For those who use iPhone the virtual assistant is Siri, while others may be familiar with Alexa, which is the home assistant found in Amazon’s line of Echo smart home devices. These days, almost all operating systems have a virtual assistant.

Google Assistant, Cortana, Siri, and Alexa are voice operated, and they can assist people with hearing loss. The beauty of these virtual assistants for those with hearing loss is that they can access maps, contacts, shopping lists or whatever digital information you need and stream the answers directly to your ear canal, via your hearing aids.

What are the Benefits of Virtual Assistants?

A virtual assistant is sort of like artificial intelligence in that it can learn your routines and adapt to help you with them. However, it is closer to machine learning, in that you are the one who can program exactly what you want your virtual assistant to remember and do.

For instance, a virtual assistant can teach your morning and bedtime routines. You can teach your virtual assistant a morning routine or a bedtime routine. With one command you can say “good morning Alexa” and your virtual assistant can remind you of the day’s appointments, inform you of the weather forecast, take your phone off silent and remind you of when it’s time to head out the door.

Medication Reminders

If you take medications at different times during the day, this is another moment where virtual assistants can be essential. They can keep track of the medications you’ve already taken and remind you when it’s time to take another dose.

Shopping Assistant

Virtual assistants can be incredibly helpful when shopping. If you are constantly forgetting to pick something up at the store, a virtual assistant can remind you of your shopping list on command. If you think of something during the day, you can add it by speaking to your virtual assistant so you can be reminded at any time. Similarly, it can cross things off your list as you collect items.

Hands-free calling

Making phone calls is easier than before. This feature is especially helpful for those with limited dexterity, who struggle with the buttons of a telephone. You simply need to speak up and ask your virtual assistant to call you sister, or child and the virtual assistant will have you speaking to a loved one, with the sound streamed directly into your hearing aids.

Hearing Aids with Connectivity Features

Siri and Alexa can not only connect to your hearing aids, but any other Bluetooth enabled device which you are paired with. This means that your virtual assistant can turn on and off the lights, play a song on your stereo, or call for help if you need it. When driving your virtual assistant can stream GPS direction, directly to your ears. Enjoy enhanced connectivity to the technology around you without having to struggle with wires or buttons. You’ll be able to easily hear every word without straining to hear.

Hearing Aids with Artificial Intelligence

Some of the newest advancements in hearing technology use artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance your listening experience. The AI technology uses your GPS location to learn and remember your preferred listening settings across diverse environments. This means that when you enter a noisy job or gym, you won’t even have to worry about adjusting your hearing aid setting. AI technology will do that for you.  The less you have to worry about setting your hearing aids, the more you can focus on your life instead. AI also makes it easier to connect with your virtual assistant. You simply need to tap your hearing aids and call on your virtual assistant and there they are, wherever you wear your hearing aids. To find out more about virtual assistants, contact us today!